by Stephen Lau
The human ego is the underlying source of all stressors in contemporary living -- a stumbling block to wisdom in living..
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Wisdom in living comprises seeking God's wisdom through understanding human wisdom to live a meaningful and purpose life, even in the golden years. The ancient wisdom of Tao holds the key to applying the principles of life and living in this modern world. Do your best and make the most of what you have.
Wisdom in Oneness of All Life
Stephen Lau

Wisdom in Oneness of All Life
Stephen Lau
Wisdom in oneness of all life is wisdom in living.
The oneness of all life is one of the basic laws of Nature: that is, we are all inter-connected, just as the famous poet John Donne says: "No man is an island." This universal moral principle holds the key to true and lasting freedom in living. Without that freedom, we are forever living in human bondage that inhibits development of the wellness of the body, the mind, and the soul. Without this holistic wellness, there is no wellness wisdom.
Living in this day and age is never easy: we are living in a toxic environment. Every day we are exposed to violence, negativity, discrimination, injustice-they all impact our subconscious minds, which, unfortunately, control our conscious mind.
Descartes, the famous French philosopher, once said: “We think; therefore, we are.” That means we think, and our thoughts shape who we are and what we have become. Accordingly, if an individual has toxic thoughts, that individual is most likely to have a toxic body with toxic desires, giving rise to a toxic soul, and thus becoming a toxic individual.
Given that all begins in the mind, having the right mindset is critically important. Wisdom in oneness of all life is the right mindset in wisdom in living.
Lao Tzu, the ancient sage from China, in his immortal classic Tao Te Ching, has given the essentials of oneness of all life:
“The Way is great because of its three essentials:
compassion, humility, and faith.
With compassion, there is no fear.
With humility, there is no strife.
With faith, there is no impossibility.
Without compassion, fearless becomes ruthlessness.
Without humility, efforts become complicated and difficult.
Without faith, possibilities become controlling and self-centering.
Compassion is the root.
Humility is the stem.
Faith in the flower.”
(Tao Te Ching, Chapter 67)
Contemporary wisdom may provide a blueprint for living, but that may be too inhibiting without giving you true freedom to live the life you want to live.
According to Lao Tzu, compassion is focusing on others instead of on self. Not focusing on self leads to humility. With humility, the focus is on the doing, rather than on the result of the doing. In contemporary wisdom, the focus is always on self, such as self-esteem, and on the doing (the more, the better)-even to the extent of wishing others fail so that one may succeed in life; compassion, in the contemporary world, is insignificant or irrelevant.
Contemporary wisdom is often the source of toxic thoughts and desires. To illustrate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s scandal in allegedly playing a role in motivation of traffic debacle is an example of political vendetta, and payback in politics-a norm acceptable to many.
Political vendetta or retribution comes from bitterness, which is a toxic emotion that originates from the ego, which is self-importance or self-image. With the acquisition of the ego, the individual begins to set goals with expectations to maintain and protect that ego created in the mind of that individual. In the process, there will be disappointment, discontent, and dissatisfaction-the raw materials for creating toxic thoughts. When the ego is threatened, that individual feels nothing but “unfairness” that demands “justice.”
Toxic thoughts devastate the mind, the body, and the soul. The oneness of all life is the only solution to toxic thoughts.
The awareness of the oneness of all life delivers you from the bondage of anger, competitiveness, disrespect, discrimination, envy, ridicule, and many other negative attitudes and toxic thoughts in your mind-they often adversely affect your mind, which controls your body, and hence having an overall negative impact on the wellness of your soul.
The oneness of all life is essentially loving-kindness and human compassion expressed in Jesus' saying of "Love thy neighbor as thyself" and reiterated by Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence advocacy. Without the realization of the oneness of life, even "killing" the enthusiasm of someone, you are indirectly "harming" that individual because you are in fact taking away the life within that individual. So you can “kill” someone with “words” and “attitudes” and not necessary with weapons. Remember, love and compassion are expressions of the oneness of all life -- a mental attitude that liberates human bondage from self-centeredness.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau