by Stephen Lau
The human ego is the underlying source of all stressors in contemporary living -- a stumbling block to wisdom in living..
Learn and understand the ancient human wisdom from China to eliminate all stress in everyday living.
To find out more, click click here.
Stephen Lau
This book contains the 81 chapters of the translated text of the Chinese classic on human wisdom, written by the Chinese sage Lao Tzu. It also explains in plain English all the essentials of Tao wisdom, which is the wisdom of TAO TE CHING.
Please click here.
The Wisdom of Letting Go
by Stephen Lau
Letting go of all attachments in the material world is the only way to let go of the ego, which is formed by a distorted human mind. This human flaw can be eradicated with the ancient Tao wisdom from China, and complemented with the Biblical wisdom. Learn how to let go to let God.
To download the digital book, click here; to get the paperback, click here.

My Way! No Way! TAO Is The Way!
This is a one-of-a-kind approach to depression, a universal mind disorder in a world of depression.
Unlike all the conventional ways of avoiding depression, such as the use of exercise as distraction,.suppressing the symptoms, such as the use of affirmations or visualizations, and uplifting the depressive moods using medications, this totally new approach uses the ancient TAO wisdom from China to let you fully experience anything and everything in depression.
TAO is the way through depression, instead of avoiding it. You may become enlightened and free yourself of depression forever; if not, at least you may look at your depression differently.
To get your digital copy, click here; to get your paperback copy, click here.

My Myasthenia Gravis
by Stephen Lau
Empower human wisdom to have a holistic approach to treating and coping with any autoimmune disease. This book is based on the author's own experience and struggle against myasthenia gravis, one of the autoimmune diseases.
Learn how to rebalance and rejuvenate your body to free yourself from toxic steroid medications used to treat symptoms of most autoimmune diseases.
This is the 2nd edition.
For more information, click here.
Chinese Natural Healing
by Stephen Lau
A website on the art and philosophy of Chinese cures, health, and wellness!
To go to the site, click here.
Health and Wisdom Tips
by Stephen Lau
A website on everyday tips on health and wisdom!
To go to the site, click here.
Wisdom in Living
by Stephen Lau
A website on how to live as if everything is a miracle.
To go to the site, click here.
All About Stephen Lau
A website on Stephen Lau's biography, his book publications, blogs, websites, as well as his interests and hobbies.
To go to the site, click here.
All About Stephen Lau's Books
A website on Stephen Lau's books on health, wisdom in living, and also writing and ESL learning.
To go to the site, click here.
Stephen Lau's
Daily Tao Wisdom
by Stephen Lau
A website on living according to Lao Tzu's TAO wisdom.
To go to the site, click here.